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Cyber Attacks Cyber Crime Cyber Defences Cyber Security Passwords Strong Passwords

Importance of Routinely Changing Passwords

We find it comical when we take over a new environment or perform a project assessment where we discover that the environment is not changing passwords regularly. Many environments are changing their passwords every three to six month. While that is a good practice to start with, in today’s aggressive cyber crime environment, its crucial […]

Cyber Security Awareness Sophos Strong Passwords
Cyber Security Awareness Month 2022 Sophos Tip Strong Passwords

Sophos Cyber Security Awareness Tip 2: Strong Passwords

Happy Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Throughout the month, we’re partnering with Sophos to provide bitesize cyber security guidance based on the event’s weekly themes. Week 2 Focus: Using Strong Passwords & Password Managers Stealing passwords remains a popular way for criminals to gain unauthorized access. Choosing a strong and complex password makes it harder for hackers to guess it. You […]