Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



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+1 -800-456-478-23

Business Cyber Defences Cyber Security Awareness Cyber Threat Protection
Business Cyber Security Awareness & Threat Protection

Business Cyber Security: 8 Mistakes That Let Hackers In

Cyber security awareness: Unfortunately, small to medium sized businesses make very tempting targets for malicious hackers because they leave themselves vulnerable to cyber threats. SMBs hold the same kinds of data that large businesses have, such as personal information, credit card details, passwords, and more. However, with the nature of SMBs means the information could be […]

Digital Transformation New Technology Technology Trends
New Technologies Digitally Transform Your Business

Digital Transformation: How Technology Is Changing Business

Digital transformation involves using digital technologies to change business process to become more efficient or effective. The idea is to use technology not just to replicate an existing service in a digital form, but to use technology to transform that service into something significantly better. It sounds simple but digital transformation can be a long, […]

Cyber Threats cybersecurity mobile device

Top Phone Security Threats In 2022 And How To Avoid Them

Our mobile devices are now the keys to our communication, finances, and social lives, making them lucrative targets for cybercriminals. Whether you use a Google Android or Apple iOS smartphone, threat actors are constantly evolving their tactics to break into them.  This includes everything from basic spam and malicious links sent over social media to malware […]

Cyber Security Awareness malware Managed Threat Protection
Malware Cyber Security Awareness: Managed Threat Protection

The Types Of Malware: How To Prevent & Protect Against Them

Malware Cyber Security Awareness: Managed Threat Protection Malware is a broad term for any type of malicious software designed to damage or exploit a device, service or network.  Cyber criminals use malware to gain remote control over victims’ devices, spy on user activities, steal sensitive data they can leverage for financial gain, or use the […]

Cloud Computing Cyber Threats cybersecurity

Cloud Computing: Big Opportunities and Big Threats

Making sure that cloud services are secure is more complicated than you might think. Shifting applications and infrastructure over to cloud computing services can make life easier in some ways, it doesn’t automatically mean you can give up all responsibility for keeping your organisation’s data secure. Cloud computing continues to grow at a fantastic rate, the most […]

Cyber Defences Cyber Threats cybersecurity

The Cybersecurity Threats Of Tomorrow That You Should Be Thinking About Today

Keeping on top of cybersecurity risks is a constant challenge. Threats including phishing, malware and ransomware are continually evolving and adapting, as cyber criminals regularly find new, innovative ways to conduct malicious hacking campaigns, break into computer systems and find a way to stay there. Many companies are having difficulties keeping up with the technological world and threats that come with […]