Having your identity stolen can be a nightmare, and cleaning up the mess can take months. Your primary phone number and email address are far more valuable than you think, make sure they are secured. As our reliance upon online services continues to grow, these two data points are extremely common means of authentication, which […]
According to analysis by cybersecurity researchers, over half of ransomware attacks are targeting one of three industries; banking, utilities and retail but they’ve warned that all industries are at risk from attacks and no business or industry is safe. This data was gathered during a period when some of the most high-profile ransomware attacks of the past […]
We are all more reliant on the internet and online services than ever before. While this has brought benefits, such as the easy and convenient ways to get things done from the comfort of your home, there are also additional risks that need to be considered. While the rise of online shopping and banking has […]
What is a DDoS attack? A distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) sees an attacker flooding the network or servers of the victim with a wave of internet traffic so big that their infrastructure is overwhelmed by the number of requests for access, slowing down services or taking them fully offline and preventing legitimate users from […]
Mobile device management (MDM) is a proven methodology used to provide a workforce mobile productivity tools and applications while keeping corporate data secure. Mobile device management is important for businesses and their workforces because they rely on mobile devices like smartphones, tablets and laptops for an assortment of jobs. In recent years, working remotely has […]
What’s your most valuable online account, the one most deserving of protection? If you use a Microsoft account to sign in to a Windows PC, that account and its associated email address should be the one you guard most. That’s especially true if you use that Microsoft account for OneDrive storage and documents that you […]
Cyber Security Awareness: What Are Phishing Attacks? Phishing attacks are the practice of malicious actors sending fraudulent communications that appear to come from a legitimate trusted source. At its core, phishing is an attack methodology that uses social engineering tactics to make a person take an action that is against their best interests. The goal […]
Our daily lives revolve around the internet more than ever, and with that comes risks. Cyberattacks have become an increasing issue and data breaches are the most common form of cyber crime. Experts estimate that there’s a new victim every two seconds. Despite this, data breaches aren’t hard to protect yourself from it just takes some […]
The Importance Of Managed IT Services If you want to run a successful modern business, then you should focus on IT first. Every business should have access to an IT support system and must have an IT plan in place. Studies found, companies that are in advanced stages of digitization have gained 5 times the users when compared to less tech-savvy […]