For most people using your computer is apart of your everyday life and when it starts to act up and slow down it causes issues in your productivity and efficiency. If you are using Windows 7, 8, or 10 and have issues, Here are the top 10 tips to speed up your PC: 1. Programs Your Not […]
Microsoft released Excel 4.0 for Windows 3.0 and 3.1 in 1992 and many companies still use this functionality in legacy operations. The issue is that bad actors have started using Excel sheets and macros as a new way to deliver malware. Tal Leibovich, head of threat research at Deep Instinct, which is a cybersecurity company specializing in endpoint […]
Have you ever lost your data due to a computer crash, virus, or other disaster? Without a backup in place, data loss actually puts many organizations out of business because they just can’t recover. When a business suffers data loss, it means downtime and every hour of downtime is costing you money and missed opportunities. […]
Security vulnerabilities in millions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, including connected security cameras, smart baby monitors and other digital video recording equipment, could allow cyber attackers to compromise devices remotely, allowing them to watch and listen to live feeds, as well as compromise credentials to prepare the ground for further attacks. The vulnerabilities in IoT devices that use […]
Preparing and approving the cybersecurity budget is an important responsibility for IT security executives. The budget has a direct impact on the organization’s ability to avoid or overcome cyberattacks. If the cybersecurity budget fails to cover all key bases, the organization could be forced to spend more on recovering from the cyberattack. While the obvious cybersecurity expenses […]
Ransomware is a growing threat to every organization on the planet and cyber-criminals are innovating at a phenomenal pace because they have the funds to do so. In fact, many cyber-criminal groups have more funds than most enterprises and as the money increases attackers have more to invest in adding resources and people to enhance their threats. Hackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated […]
Hackers are using weak and stolen credentials in a significant way to compromise business-critical environments. Stealing access to your environment using a known password for a user account is a much easier way to compromise systems than relying on other vulnerabilities. Therefore, using good password security and robust password policies is an excellent way for organizations […]
Troubleshooting an old and slow PC isn’t a fun experience, but it’s also something you can do on your own at home. In addition to common issues to look for, there’s another task you should take on which is creating a bootable USB drive. Creating the drive is a task that sounds complicated, but it only takes a few clicks of the mouse and a solid […]
Bad passwords are easy to remember, but also easy to guess and that can give an attacker access to your online accounts. That’s why the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recommends that users pick three random words for a password rather than meeting complex requirements, such as an alphanumeric string, that could permit the creation of bad passwords like “pa55word.” One of […]