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Business IT Solutions Cloud Managed IT Services

Empowering Legal Practice: Harnessing the Synergy of Managed IT & Cloud Services

In an age where technology holds the key to competitive advantage, law firms must keep pace with technological advancements to unlock their full potential and thrive.  Lawyers may have a broad education in the law, but that doesn’t automatically make them IT experts. However, technology is crucial for a law firm’s success. That’s why having […]

Cyber Security Microsoft Exchange Server
Microsoft Exchange Cyber Security Threats & Cloud Services

Your Microsoft Exchange Server Is A Cyber Security Liability

Endless vulnerabilities. Widespread hacking campaigns. Slow and technically tough patching. It’s time to say goodbye to on-premise Exchange. Reasonable people who once cared about security, privacy, and reliability ran their own email servers. Today, the vast majority host their personal email in the cloud, handing off that substantial burden to the capable teams at companies […]