Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



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Cyber Security Awareness Holiday Scams Online Security
Avoid Becoming The Holiday Scammer’s Next Victim

Online Holiday Scams On The Rise, Here’s How To Avoid

Every year, thousands of people become victims of holiday scams. Scammers can rob you of hard-earned money, personal information, and worst casescenario, your identity. The scary truth is, nearly 75% of Americans experienced at least one of these types of holiday scams last year and the consequences can be dire. When shopping online during the […]

Cyber Security News Microsoft Patch Tuesday Patch & Update
Cyber Security Awareness Update Microsoft Products

Microsoft Patch Tuesday: 64 Security Flaw Patches Update Now

Microsoft Patch Tuesday fixes 11 critical security vulnerabilities and six zero-days being actively exploitedby cyber attackers.   The security flaws impact Microsoft products including Windows, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Office and more. Some of which have been targeted by malicious hackers for months.  Two of the critical updates, CVE-2022-41028 and CVE-2022-41040, address security vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange […]

Business Protection Cyber Security Endpoint Security
Business Endpoint Cyber Security Protection

How To Secure Business Endpoints & Identities

Exposed, unknown endpoints on business networks are more than a cyber security threat; they’re a brand liability. Forrester’s Security and Risk Summit made a compelling case for how technology trust is key to driving brand trust.  They highlighted how enterprise’s effectiveness at improving their cyber security posture directly affects their profits.  Jeff Pollard, VP and […]

Cyber Security Awareness Cyber Security News Tech World
New Cyber Security Challenges 2023

Cyber Security: The New Things To Worry About In 2023

With evolving technologies and the fast-changing world, new cyber security challenges arise. Many of today’s cybersecurity problems still to be fixed, and certainly, there are some constants.  Ransomware has been a major cybersecurity issue for years, but shows no signs of going away as cyber criminals continue to evolve their attacks. Unfortunately, a significant numbers […]

Cyber Security malware attack New Technology
New Malware 2022 Cyber Security Awareness

Hacking Campaign Uses A New Malware Delivery Technique

Highly skilled cyber attackers are using a never-before-seen technique to hide their malicious activities and compromise victims with trojan malware backdoors. Thisintelligence gathering and espionage campaign has been detailed by cybersecurity researchers at Symantec. The researchers found that attackers can spend more than 18 months inside the victims networks, all while taking steps to ensure their […]