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cybersecurity Ransomware

Ransomware: These Three Industries Have Been The Most Common Target For Attacks But No One Is Safe

According to analysis by cybersecurity researchers, over half of ransomware attacks are targeting one of three industries; banking, utilities and retail but they’ve warned that all industries are at risk from attacks and no business or industry is safe. This data was gathered during a period when some of the most high-profile ransomware attacks of the past […]

cybersecurity DDoS Attack

What is a DDoS attack? Everything you need to know about Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks and how to protect against them

What is a DDoS attack? A distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) sees an attacker flooding the network or servers of the victim with a wave of internet traffic so big that their infrastructure is overwhelmed by the number of requests for access, slowing down services or taking them fully offline and preventing legitimate users from […]

cybersecurity Ransomware

Ransomware Is The Biggest Cyber Threat To Businesses But Most Still Aren’t Ready For It

Ransomware is the most significant cybersecurity threat facing many organizations today and while attacks are only getting more sophisticated, it’s a threat that can be countered. Several cybersecurity threats are facing the world today, including supply chain attacks, threat of cyber espionage and cyber aggression by hostile nation states, and cybersecurity exploits and vulnerabilities being sold to whoever wants to buy them. However, ransomware is the most immediate danger […]


Critical IoT Security Vulnerability

Security vulnerabilities in millions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, including connected security cameras, smart baby monitors and other digital video recording equipment, could allow cyber attackers to compromise devices remotely, allowing them to watch and listen to live feeds, as well as compromise credentials to prepare the ground for further attacks. The vulnerabilities in IoT devices that use […]


These Crucial Cybersecurity Expenses Need to get the Budget they Deserve

Preparing and approving the cybersecurity budget is an important responsibility for IT security executives. The budget has a direct impact on the organization’s ability to avoid or overcome cyberattacks. If the cybersecurity budget fails to cover all key bases, the organization could be forced to spend more on recovering from the cyberattack. While the obvious cybersecurity expenses […]