Hackers are using weak and stolen credentials in a significant way to compromise business-critical environments. Stealing access to your environment using a known password for a user account is a much easier way to compromise systems than relying on other vulnerabilities. Therefore, using good password security and robust password policies is an excellent way for organizations […]
Bad passwords are easy to remember, but also easy to guess and that can give an attacker access to your online accounts. That’s why the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recommends that users pick three random words for a password rather than meeting complex requirements, such as an alphanumeric string, that could permit the creation of bad passwords like “pa55word.” One of […]
PunkSpider is scanning every website in the world to find and then publicly release their exploitable flaws all at the same time in the name of making the web more secure. PunkSpider automatically identifies hackable vulnerabilities in websites, and then allows anyone to search those results to find sites susceptible to everything from defacement to data […]
Whether you work from a traditional office, home office, your iPhone, or on the road, a VPN is one of the best ways to protect yourself from data breaches on the internet, especially when using public wi-fi networks. VPN is an acronym for Virtual Private Network, the purpose is to provide you with security and privacy as […]