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Cyber Security Awareness malware Managed Threat Protection
Malware Cyber Security Awareness: Managed Threat Protection

The Types Of Malware: How To Prevent & Protect Against Them

Malware Cyber Security Awareness: Managed Threat Protection Malware is a broad term for any type of malicious software designed to damage or exploit a device, service or network.  Cyber criminals use malware to gain remote control over victims’ devices, spy on user activities, steal sensitive data they can leverage for financial gain, or use the […]


A Guide to the Various Types of Malware

Malware typically refers to malicious software comprised of worms, viruses, Trojans, and several other harmful programs. Hackers and spammers use Malware to damage your data and gain access to your confidential and sensitive information. While no device is immune to malicious software or infections there are effective security practices you can implement to help prevent […]

Microsoft Spyware/Malware

This Windows and Linux malware does everything it can to stay on your network

Microsoft has continued its analysis of the LemonDuck coin-mining malware which has been crafted by some very determined, financially motivated cybercriminals. LemonDuck is known for installing crypto-miners in enterprise environments and has a well-stocked arsenal of hacking tools, tricks and exploits. Their goal is to have their malware retain exclusive access to a compromised network for as long as possible. The attackers try […]