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cybersecurity Microsoft Windows Windows 11

New Windows 11 Security Feature Protects Against Password Hackers

Microsoft rolls out a new security feature that should significantly slow down password attacks against Windows devices.The latest preview of Windows 11 ships with the SMB server authentication rate limiter on by default. This makes Windows 11″a very unattractive target” for hackers trying to steal credentials, since it’s much more time-consuming for them to target […]

Cyber Defences Cyber Threats cybersecurity Ransomware

The Ransomware Problem Won’t Get Better Unless This Changes

Targets of ransomware rarely publicly acknowledge attacks. More openness would help everyone. Ransomware is one of the most significant cybersecurity issues we face, as cyber criminals hack into businesses, schools, hospitals, critical infrastructure and more, in order to encrypt files and demand a ransom payment for the decryption key.  Despite warnings not to, many victims pay […]